OpenSIPIt#01 Kicks Off in STYLE

Key SIP people from your favourite Open Source projects gathered online today for the beginning of OpenSIPIt#01 – a Community-driven interoperability event.
Following an initial welcome and orientation session led by @sobomax the teams got down to business with a continuation of the work that had started during the pilot event (OpenSIPIt#00 in September 2020) on RFC8760.

This included the use of a brand new OpenSIPS UAS/UAC implementation which was validated, with few minor configurational issues.

The FreeSWITCH UAS was found mostly functional too, with the UAC coming soon.

The Asterisk UAC was verified to be forward compatible with RFC8760 implementations, and was proven to be able to fallback to md5 when it’s offered.

No changes in SIPP since last time, but an additional issue with MD5-sess support has been identified, and will be reported back to the project in due course.

MD5-sess fix (part of a @sobomax patch) in OpenSIPS has been verified against SIPVicious.

Overall, the new Interop process has been tested and refined based on feedback and good input from all involved, and should go even smoother for the rest of this event, and those of the future.
The possibility of creating a persistent RFC8760 test rig is being investigated, for teams to re-test and improve in the following few days – based on configuration that Liviu crafted.

BTW, Massive thanks to the OpenSIPS project, and to Liviu for all his hard work so far, and for taking the lead on the STIR/SHAKEN activities happening next!

Perhaps the most pleasing aspect of this first day of OpenSIPIt#01 was the levels of engagement seen from the teams – they were all active, responsive and involved – as could be seen by the relevant Slack channels buzzing with activity as testing was taking place. SO A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL INVOLVED.

OpenSIPit is, of course, a work in progress – so expect optimisation and revision as we continue with this very important work…

Watch the livestream recording here: